Tobacco Cessation
UR offers students, faculty and staff tobacco cessation programs at no cost. Benefits of becoming a non-smoker include:
- Improve your chances for a longer life
- Look and feel healthier
- Feel more energetic
- Breathe easier and be able to exercise
- Save money
- Protect those around you who may be harmed by your smoking, especially if you are pregnant or around children
On-campus resources
The Health Promotion Department offers quit kits, coaches, one-on-one appointments and information about nicotine products and cessation.
Quit Coaches
The Health Promotion Department offers coaches trained to facilitate smoking cessation. Students, faculty and staff will have the option of meeting with a quit coach on campus for 1-1 cessation assistance. For information, email quit@richmond.edu.
Off-campus resources
Quit Now Virginia provides free information and coaching by telephone or online to residents who want to quit smoking or using tobacco. Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669) for free and confidential phone support or visit www.QuitNow.net/Virginia for web support. Once enrolled, receive Text2Quit messages to help you quit.
Counseling is offered by trained Quit Coaches in combination with nicotine replacement therapy or medication prescribed by healthcare providers. This gives the patient the best chance of quitting successfully.
- Available 24 hours a day/7 days a week
- Qualified Quit Coaches
- One-on-one cessation assistance
- Service provided to all Virginia residents, ages 13 +
- TTY service available for the hearing impaired
- Counseling available in English and Spanish
- Tailored services for pregnant women
- Information and self-help materials are available
- Free and confidential
Quit Coaches also receive specialized training in counseling pregnant women, smokeless tobacco users, and active military personnel.
Apps and online quit programs
These resources offer helpful tips, information, social support, diversions from cravings, and reinforcement for one of the best decisions a tobacco user can make to quit.
Become an EX (Web-based)
The EX plan teaches you how to live life without cigarettes in three steps. It is based on scientific research and practical advice from ex-smokers.
QuitNet (Web-based and app)
Connect with smokers and ex-smokers on every part of the quit journey.
QuitPal (App)
Interactive app developed by the National Cancer Institute provides tools to help those who want to be smoke-free using evidence-based smoking cessation methods.
Freedom from Smoking (Web-based)
Evidence-based program from the American Lung Association consisting of eight self-paced modules to assist you in quitting tobacco.
Kill the Can (Web-based)
Free resources and tools to help dip, snuff, and chewing tobacco users quit.
Nicotine replacement therapy
Gum or lozenges
Type of chewing gum or lozenge that delivers nicotine to the bloodstream through tissues in the mouth.
Transdermal (skin) patches
Release nicotine through the skin.
A thin, plastic cartridge that contains a porous nicotine plug at its base. By puffing on the cartridge, a person extracts and absorbs nicotine vapor through the lining of their mouth.
Nasal spray
An aerosol nicotine spray contained in a spray to deliver nicotine to the user through their nostrils and rapidly absorbed by the nasal membranes inside the nose.